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Representatives of 11 Indigenous Nations, including the US, Canada, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and Australia, met on the homelands of the Lummi Indian Nation near Bellingham, Washington, and reached agreement on an historic treaty of Indigenous Nations.  The Treaty established an international political and economic alliance to advance common interests regarding climate change, trade among Indigenous Nations, protection of cultural properties under the laws of Indigenous Nations, protection of the human rights of Indigenous Peoples, and assertion of traditional rights to cross international borders.  The Treaty, signed November 15th, 2007, in Denver, Colorado, was developed and proposed by the National Congress of American Indians’ Special Committee on Indigenous Nation Relationships.  In developing the Treaty, the Special Committee determined that relationships between indigenous nations are to be defined by the laws of Indigenous Nations, not by the laws of former colonial nations.


Source: “About ULIN,” ULIN.  Retrieved 7/9/2019, http://www.indigenousnationstreaty.org/about-ulin/

Document:  ULIN, 2007.  Treaty of Indigenous Nations.  Fair Use: This is being used for non-profit/educational purposes.  It is a formal document meant for public distribution.  Source: http://www.indigenousnationstreaty.org/about-ulin/the-treaty/